28 de outubro de 2009

""Science proposes, morality disposes," they say by common agreement, patting themselves on the back, scientsts and moralists alike, the former with false modesty and the latter with false pride."
Latour, B.*

25 de outubro de 2009

Tour de France

Latour, Latour, Latour.
Mas se nós nunca fomos modernos, porque raio, eu pergunto, PORQUE RAIO insistes em libertar-nos de categorias com mais de dois mil anos? Acaso somos estúpidos? Acaso és tu, ou andas a enganar-nos?

(Às vezes acho que os autores inventam problemas para serem os primeiros a resolvê-los.)

coisa que me tira o sono

"Modern man a wimp says anthropologist"
Reuters, 14/10

As mulheres estão cada vez mais bonitas, confiantes e cultas.
Os homens, para além de estudarem menos, estão a ficar flácidos.
Isto é coisa que me tira o sono (e o sexo).

23 de outubro de 2009

o barco das 13h25

À tangente. Tinha deixado de acreditar ainda íamos no túnel: «dez minutos de estrada em sete de tempo? Impossível.».
Que prova isto? Que a fé é vã, ou que as outras quinze pessoas no autocarro acreditaram para caraças?

(Momento "Proficuidade Matametafísica", sponsored by transportes públicos em geral.)

19 de outubro de 2009

tarde demais. já me devem ter deserdado, e às escondidas.

Hey Mom & Dad...

The Anthropology Song: A little bit Anthropologist
Dai Cooper, via antropologi.info

A pedido de três indivíduas: Aviso: «Tento, pode ofender» .
(compreende aqui)

estranhas empatias parte dois

O sistema de artrose como ele não é e as tartarugas de Grey Walter.

muita Tate

Estamos certamente pela redefinição do conceito de artrose.

11 de outubro de 2009

9 de outubro de 2009

"The only thing a technological project cannot do is implement itself without placing itself in a broader context. If it refuses to contextualize itself, it may remain technologically perfect, but unreal. Technological projects that remain purely technological are like moralists: their hands are clean, but they don't have hands."
Latour, B.*

8 de outubro de 2009

7 de outubro de 2009

euro-american metaphysics

"Do we want to apprehend and enact non-coherent multiplicities? Euro-American metaphysics, in so far as they are carried in natural and social science, usually say 'no'. Or, to be more precise, they propose a division of labour between science and art. Or between external realities and personal experiences. Poetry or painting or novels may escape the requirements for coherence and consistency because their 'out-there', the absence they enact, is not taken to be 'real'. It is not 'really out-there' - and in the imagination non-coherence is allowed as a possibility. So individuals are authorized to dream without any requirement of consistency. But realities are more serious. They demand singularity, and singularity demands experts, a single point of view. Non-coherent realities disappear into art, or the real of the personal."
Law, J. *

com grande respeito e admiração

Porque acho que é tão atrevido falar de realidade out-there como de realidade in-here, passo a chamar-te John Lawlita.

3 de outubro de 2009

1 de outubro de 2009


Galloway, Alexander R. 2006 Protocol: how control exists after decentralization. MIT Press.

"Is the Internet a vast arena of unrestricted communication and freely exchanged information or a regulated, highly structured virtual bureaucracy? In Protocol, Alexander Galloway argues that the founding principle of the Net is control, not freedom, and that the controlling power lies in the technical protocols that make network connections (and disconnections) possible. He does this by treating the computer as a textual medium that is based on a technological language, code. Code, he argues, can be subject to the same kind of cultural and literary analysis as any natural language; computer languages have their own syntax, grammar, communities, and cultures. Instead of relying on established theoretical approaches, Galloway finds a new way to write about digital media, drawing on his backgrounds in computer programming and critical theory. "Discipline-hopping is a necessity when it comes to complicated socio-technical topics like protocol," he writes in the preface." (...)

Foreword: Protocol Is a Protocol Does, by Eugene Thacker
Lamento, mas não és um radical livre.